Monday, January 14, 2008

Blue Sky

So today was the first day that I actually saw the sun. It was spectacular! I think since I have been in Inuvik, it has been overcast, and so although it gets bright, I haven't actually seen the big round bright thing in the sky. But today at about 1130 am and until about 4ish, it was like a permanent sunset. My office has two nice big windows (I'm spoiled, apparently others in the office are up in arms that the student gets the nice office!! but somehow, I lucked out!). Anyway so out the window that I sit beside, I could see the sun for the entire time that it was up (I think my window looks south). I could see the horizon and the sun basically rose on the left side of the sky, hung out just above the horizon as it moved to the right, and then eventually disappeared. It was really colourful, and of course, today was the first day I didn't bring my camera to work. Jeeez. I'm sure there will be more clear days though. Today was really my first day that I felt nervous about work. I had to charter a plane for the trip that 5 of us are going on tomorrow, and organize meetings with people from each of the two communities we are going to. Yes, I'm hopping on a 5 seater plane, that is chartered. John, if you are reading this, I'm sure you will appreciate the little-ness of this plane I will be on! I have been told by others at work that it will be cold, and very loud, so I'm gonna gear up well and bring some ear plugs. I was also told that because winter weather is somewhat unpredictible, it is very likely that we might get stuck overnight in one of the communities, so I'm packing some clothes, and food. These Inuvialuit communities are so little one of them has no restaurant, and no 'real' grocery store. I have also been warned to keep my eyes peeled while in the plane because it is likely I might see some wildlife of some sort on the ground. Mind you, it will probably be dark when we fly. Darn it! Anyways so two people came to the office today who work with DFO out of Inuvik, so I learned a bunch about what we will be talking to the communities about tomorrow. Basically we will be establishing whether or not they have interest in having thier area designated as a Marine Protected Area, and what areas are of significance to them based on Traditional Knowledge. So, tomorrow will be a looong adventure. I will go into work at 8am, and then we fly out at 1130, and don't arrive back in Inuvik until 11 pm! It's so funny, every time I go outside here I feel like I'm going on a day long snow mission in the Arctic, and then I realize that ha, you have to dress that way even if you are venturing out for 10 minutes, and ha, I am in the Arctic! Today it was -32.6 degrees celcius! Good luck goes out to my two Laura friends who are leaving tomorrow for England and South America! You both have big adventures to come! Hope everyone is doing well at home, and Jessica Sit, if you are reading this, how do I make spaces in between my paragraphs? I think you are the only other blogger I know...haha thanks man (p.s. how are the new roomies?). Peace!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're actually getting some sunlight, Kayla! It's been pretty cloudy here in KW lately but I'm sure it doesn't compare to Inuvik at all! I'm psyched to hear all about your trip to the Inuvaliut communities. It reminds me a bit of the type of fieldwork that I'm learning about in some of my anthro. courses. Like everyone else, I'm also really looking forward to your pictures, so remember to bring your camera EVERYWHERE - within reason, of course! Until next time... e

jess holly said...

kaylaaa!! to make a new paragrph you just hit enter!!! and if that doesn't work just type in < br > (without spaces)

love you! roomies are awesome , but not as awesome as you and pooj (obviously)
