Saturday, January 12, 2008

Baby it's cold outside.

Its 246 pm right now, and i think the sun is on its way down. It was quite strange to wake up on a saturday morning at 1030 and have it be pitch black outside! anyway once it did get bright (at about noon) outside, I went out on a walk, my feet and body were really hot with all my gear on, only my fingers were chilly...I had to walk back to my place after a half hour becuase my eyelashes were so built up with frost. I was scared they might fall off! ha. I walked up a few hiking trails, they were gorgeous. Took lots of photos that I am looking forward to showing you all. Then I did some shopping in town: checked out a gift shop, and stopped at the "produce man's" trailor...This guy apparently comes to town once every few weeks with a tractor trailor filled with produce, and its fresher then any of the other stuff you can get in town, so I was encouraged by coworkers to check it out. I got some fruit and potatoes. Last night I went out to a restaurant in town with some of my co workers to celebrate Michelle's last day. It was a really new restaurant, and although the menu was normal, it was quite expensive. I expected it. anyway, on the walk to the restaurant (it was probably a 10 min walk in total) Erica, one of the girls I work with who drives me every day, mentioned that my nose looked funny. It didn't feel funny, but when I got to the restaurant I went straight to the bathroom to check it out. I had a wierd white blotch on the end of my nose: maybe frostbite?? eek...but I was only out for 10 minutes!! anyway, so it turned redish and tingly. eventually the tingly feeling went away, but the pinkness still remains. Oh how I love the -30 degree weather that it was last night. Now I know I have to keep my face covered, so my balaclava will become my bestest friend. It was amazing to see at the restaurant last night how small this town really is. A few of the people that I work with were constantly waving at everyone who came in. It was neat! I really hope everyone is doing well at home. I'll write again soon. P.S. Have I told you about the snowmobiles? They really are everywhere around town, its crazy. Young and old ride em'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kay! Oh man, sounds like you're having a wicked time, keeping busy and such! I can't even imagine living with all that darkness, you're gonna feel so blinded when you get back haha. I gotta tell you 161 Erb is not the same without you and Pooj, although our new roomies are really nice. We all miss you tons! Keep the posts coming, and I'm looking forward to pictures! :)