I'm just so lucky.
I just saw so much family come together, to welcome yet another couple members into the family. My sister celebrated her love this past weekend at the cottage that my dad built a few years back. I saw my sister so healthy and happy, how wonderful...and I boogied and danced under a beautiful tent that covered the cottage drive.
I feel so grateful for all the beauty that has been in my life these days. I am so lucky to be able to live the life that I have been this summer, and I continue to have such wonderful adventures to look forward to. Great Lakes Commons Lake Ontario Tour, Pedal to Plate Otesha Tour, spending delicious time with friends in Ottawa, reconnecting with so many at the Hillside Festival, spending time at my sisters new country home, reconnecting with so many family members, and spending fun quality time preparing for a super fun event, developing new relations, building on old. Meeting lovely new people and learning. always always learning. So much cycling, jogging, swimming, chatting, reading, re connecting, challenging myself...
I feel nervous now though, a strange sensation. Hoping that I can maintain balance, that I can remain grounded among all these wondrous things that are happening. Hoping that I am giving enough to those that I love, and taking time to develop relationships that could blossom and bloom.
Blossom and Bloom.
My heart.
My mind.
My soul.
Blossom and Bloom.