Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gardening is so much easier without a cast on your leg!

I've been playing in the dirt a lot these past weeks, checking in each day to see what's popped it's tender leaves out from beneath the soil.

It's wonderful what simple things can nourish such beautiful plants. Though things seem small now, it is such an amazement with the earth that I have - the process of nurturing a plant form seed all the way until it produces nourishing fruits for you to enjoy! The thrill of picking that fruit after watching and taking care of a plant for so long is a great feeling. You can taste the energy you've put into growing that food. I promise.

It's been great to move around the garden these day's without the cast on my leg. I feel like I've been making leaps and bounds, and my physical self is really healing well. My muscle certainly still has some growing to do, but it will happen, I'm confident for a full recovery, and have been plotting heaps of later day summer cycling adventures!

Back to the dirt. Today I helped some friends in their allotment garden, and tomorrow, I will be working in my own backyard, transplanting more of the tomato seedlings that I likely haven't hardened off well enough (read - gotten the plant used to the harsher outside world) and though many gardeners stress the importance of this step, I always seem to slack a little on this one. I just get excited for my little babies to lay out roots in the earth, rather in those restricting pots.

Now that I am back cycling, I've been able to explore Ottawa a bit more, the bike paths are beauty - covered with deciduous trees, fresh, and full o' bugs that lovingly fly right into your mouth as you speedily sing cycle your way beside the river. Ah, the joy of a bicycle.

Happy summertime strolls, rides, gardens, edibles, and swims to you!